Lengthen Curogan Pinch Collar with Extra Link
If you are fan of pinch collars and you use it every day then it will be very thoughtful of you to buy extra links for your pinch collar instead of buying new one. This offer was appreciated by our customers become another satisfied customer with our Herm Sprenger products.
These Extra Links are for Herm Sprenger Ordinary Curogan Pinch Collars as well as for Curogan Pinch Collar with nylon loop width 1/6 inch (3.99 mm). They snap in easily for extra length! No special skills or tools required to perform this action.
One link will add 1 4/5 inch (4.5 cm) to the total collar's length.
Why did HS use Curogan in producing these links? Because Curogan - is a copper-tin-alloy with a high copper portion and some additives which make the material strong - but without any nickel. Therefore these chains avoid a discolouration of fair haired dogs. After selling these articles for six years, the experiences of our customers show that still some dogs (less than 10%) do react on Curogan with a discolouration. A further advantage of Curogan is the fact it is absolutely free of nickel. More often nickel is also responsible for allergic reactions of sensible dog's skin and causes for example skin rashes. That is why HS chose this alloy with love and caring for its customers.
Barbara Ihle, Nebraska, USA
Date added review: 25/02/2013
Package received. Goods are outstanding!! I have called American Express and withdrawn any dispute of the charges. If you have any problems with payment or questions, please contact me and I will resolve any issue immediately. You have a continued customer and I will offer positive referrals. Warmest Regards,

[5 of 5 Stars]
Maurice, NY, USA
Date added review: 28/03/2013
Thank you, I just receive it love it !!!!!!!

[5 of 5 Stars]
Hockson, Cebu, Philippines
Date added review: 26/04/2013
I got the items today. Am very happy with the quality!!!!! Thanks again!!!!

[5 of 5 Stars]
Kim Austin,Toronto, Canada
Date added review: 27/06/2013
I received my order of the Anti-pulling leather leash(2), they are just beautiful so heavy. The black neck tech dog pinch collar is gorgeous, my bordeaux pup seperated the links for me didn't need pliers :0. Your leather items are made to last, I still use the leather leashes I bought from you 6 years ago and they still look great. Thank you for having wonderful products.

[5 of 5 Stars]
Nancy Meermans, Ohio, USA
Date added review: 31/06/2013
Dear Guy & Julia,
I have received my order of Short Leather Dog Leash & NEW NECK TECH STAINLESS
STEEL Dog pinch collar.
I am very impressed with the quality and look of these items. They were well
worth waiting for.
Again, thank you for your patience in answering all my questions.
Looking forward to future business with your company.
Remember. Life may lead you where you least expect, but have faith, and you'll
know exactly where you were meant to be. Talon ~ Snow Buddies "

[5 of 5 Stars]