Just got my order today. When the UPS guy came and hand me the box. I was surprised on how light it really was. the total shipping was 1.00 lbs. wow. Its strong. Ivan loves this harness. not only is it light as a feather. but it gives him more breathing room. He walks easier now and is not walking behind because the old harness hurts him. it makes his coat rough up and he has a bald spot because of that. So this new harness is like heaven to the both of us. it feels so smooth on my hand and easier for us. This is the very best harness ever. it is well made and will last. Even for a Husky, this harness and handle will do the job. I so love this one!! Thank you so much.
by Richard Nichols, 2014-09-30 16:51:31
5 of 5 Stars
Thank you! We just start working Darla with the new harness yesterday. It is very light, and it's clear to see that it will not be affected by rain. The only potential trouble we might see, is the surface is a bit less soft than we hoped for. Darla has very short hair, so we will monitor the main friction points to insure that she is not rubbed raw anywhere. If we see any issues, we'll give you a shout!

[5 of 5 Stars]